Character List for Inda

Some have asked for a list of characters from Inda. Below are only people named, so in the case of the families, members not mentioned in the book by name don’t get listed here. It’s long enough already. I tried to keep people to categories, but there is a Misc. list at the end for the ones who don’t belong in a category and I didn’t want to set a single one up just for them.

Inda’s Academy Tvei Class

  • Indevan Algara-vayir (Inda) brother to Tanrid Algara-vayir
  • Tlennen Arveas (Flash)
  • Landred Askan (Lan)
  • Mardred Basna
  • Jarend Cassad (Rattooth) brother to Cassad Ain of the Sier-Danas
  • Kethadrend Ennath
  • Anred Fera-Vayir (distant cousin to Inda)
  • Ramond Fijirad (Fij)
  • Garid Kepa-Davan (Kepa) brother to Kepa Ain-liegeman to Tlen Ain
  • Anred Lassad (Smartlip)
  • Kendred Lith
  • Landred Marlo-Vayir (Cherry-Stripe) brother to Buck of the Sier-Danas
  • Ander Marth-Davan (Mouse)–cousin to Tdor Marth-Davan
  • Evred-Laef Montrei-Vayir (Sponge) brother to royal heir, Aldren-Sierlaef
  • Evred Ndarga
  • Kendred Noth (Dogpiss) brother to Whipstick Noth
  • Kethadrend Sindan-An (Tuft)
  • Vandas Tlen (Biscuit)
  • Nadran Toraca (Noddy)-cousin to Nadran Khani-vayir
  • Camarend Tya-Vayir (Cama) brother to Stalgrid (Horsebutt)

Academy Staff (mentioned)

  • Head Master Brath (senior administrator, reports to royal shield arm)
  • Master Gand (former Dragoon Captain under Captain Noth, appointed by king as primary tutor of first Tvei class, also senior hand-to-hand combat master)
  • Master Kavad (senior tutor, senior riding master)
  • Master Starthend (former dragoon, Tvei class’s second primary tutor, archery master)
  • Olin and Yennad, senior stable hands
  • Emad, nephew to Master Gand, part of supply staff
  • Joal, part of kitchen and mess staff

Aldren-Sierlaef’s Sier-Danas

  • Tanrid Cassad
  • Manther Jaya-Vayir
  • Aldren Marlo-Vayir (Buck)
  • Jasid Tlen
  • Anderle Yvana-Vayir (Hawkeye)

Marlovan Families (members mentioned in books)


  • Jarend (prince: Adaluin)
  • Fareas Fera-Vayir (princess: Iofre)
  • Tanrid (heir: Laef)
  • Hadand (betrothed to Sierlaef, future queen)
  • Indevan (“Inda”, future Randael)
  • Branid, son of former Randviar Marend, two generations previous


  • Senrid (Jarl)
  • Ivandred (Shield arm: Randael)
  • Ndara (second cousin to Jarl, married to Harskialdna)
  • Tanrid (heir:Laef)
  • Jarend (“Rattooth”, future Randael)
  • Kialen (future Harandviar to Evred-Laef Montrei-Vayir)
  • Mran (grand-daughter of Ivandred Cassad, brother to Jarl, betrothed to Landred Marlo-Vayir)


  • (the only Deis mentioned in the first two books are Joret, first wife to Jarend Algara-Vayir, and her niece, also named Joret, future wife of Tanrid Algara-Vayir)


  • Camrid (Jarl)
  • Fareas (princess: Iofre, married to Jarend-Adaluin Algara-Vayir), his second cousin
  • Mdar, Jarlan of Cassad
  • Retren (heir: Laef)
  • Anred (future shield arm: Randael), part of Inda’s Tvei class


  • Camarend (“Horseshoe”: Jarl)
  • Manther (heir: Laef)
  • Marend (betrothed to Savarend Montredavan-An)
  • Ivandred “Vanda” brother to Manther–his cousin Retren part of his Tvei class


  • Kethadrend, former Rider Captain to the Tlen family, made Jarl of Olara
  • Anderle (“Kepa Ain”: oldest son, slated to be dragoon captain)
  • Linan (daughter: born before rise in rank, thus not betrothed away)
  • Garid (“Kepa” later “Snowballs” when made heir to new Jarlate)
  • Nadran (future Randael)


  • Hastred (“Hasta”: Jarl)
  • Camrid (“Scrapper”) Randael
  • Aldren (“Buck” heir: Laef)
  • Landred (“Cherry-Stripe”: future Randael)


  • Tdor (betrothed to Inda Algara-Vayir)
  • Ramond: cousin to Tdor, future Jarl
  • Ander (Mouse): cousin to Tdor, future Randael


  • Savarend (Jarl)
  • Lineas Sindan-An (Jarlan: cousin to Tlennen Montrei-Vayir)
  • Savarend (“Fox”: heir)
  • Shendan (“Shen”: daughters cannot marry out by treaty)


  • Tlennen (king: Sieraec during peace, commander of King’s Riders, the professional force who guards the kingdom “on patrol”; Harvaldar during war time, titular commander of army at war, which includes treaty-stipulated forces provided by Jarls joined to the King’s Riders)
  • Anderle (royal shield arm: Sierandael during peace time, commands the Guard of the royal city, and oversees the Academy; Harskialdna during war time, actual commander of King’s Army; his wife, when there is a foreign queen, oversees the Queen’s Guard and the Queen’s Training of future Jarlans and Randviars)
  • Tdiran (married to Jarl of Yvana-Vayir)
  • Wisthia Shagal (queen: Sarias)
  • Aldren (“The Sierlaef”, royal heir: Sierlaef)
  • Evred (“Sponge” future Shield Arm: Varlaef)
  • Barend, son of Anderle and Ndara–cousin to Aldren and Evred


  • Hemrid (Cavalry Captain of the King’s Riders, West)
  • Hastred (future Rider Captain to Marth-Davan family, unless father promoted)
  • Carleas (betrothed to Cassad heir: future Jarlan)
  • Evred (included in Tvei class: future dragoon captain, or Randael if father promoted)


  • Dauvid (“Horsepiss”: King’s Dragoon Captain, later interim Randael to Algara-Vayirs, then defender of Fera-Vayir Harbor)
  • Senrid (“Whipstick”: future dragoon captain, promoted, Randael to Algara-Vayirs)
  • Kendred (“Dogpiss”: included in first Tvei class, as are all second sons of King’s commanders)


  • Nadran (“Noddy Turtle”, or just “Noddy”–future Randael to Radran Kani-Vayir, who has no brothers)
  • Branid (“Nightingale”–personal runner to Evred-Varlaef, king’s second son)


  • Stalgrid (“Horsebutt” heir: Laef)
  • Dannor (“Mudface” betrothed to Aldren “Hawkeye” Yvana-Vayir)
  • Camarend (“Cama” shield arm: Randael), his betrothed Starand “Honetongue” Ola-Vayir)


  • Camrid (“Mad Gallop” : Jarl–married to Tdiran Montrei-Vayir, king’s sister)
  • Anderle (“Hawkeye” heir: Laef)
  • Tlennen and Haldred (“Badger” and “Beaver” twins, to be Hawkeye’s Randaels)

Various Runners

  • Jened Sindan (Captain of the King’s Runners, in charge of training all royal runners)
  • Waldan, Farnid–chief personal runners to the Harskialdna, brother to the King
  • Ranet, Pandet, chief personal runners to Ndara Harandviar, married to king’s brother
  • Vedrid, Nallan, chief personal runners to the Sierlaef, the king’s heir
  • Tesar, personal runner to Hadand and Kialen, betrothed to the king’s sons
  • “Nightingale” Toraca, later Vedrid, chief personal runners to Evred, king’s second son
  • Fiam, Inda’s runner-in-training
  • Chelis, youngest of Fareas-Iofre’s personal runners
  • Noren, Tdor’s personal runner
  • “Flatfoot” Noth, Whipstick Noth’s personal runner (his cousin)
  • Hened Dunrend, a King’s Runner, related to Captain Sindan—assigned covertly to Inda

Owners and Crew of Pim Ryala

  • Ryala Pim (ship-owner’s daughter)
  • Olla Pim (ship-owner)
  • Peadal Beagar, Captain
  • Handar Kodl, First Mate
  • Indutsan (purser)
  • Other Mates and Mids: Vorzcin, Norsh, Leugre, Fassun
  • Deck and Top Sailors: Scalis, Niz, Black Boots, Gillip, Reef
  • Dun the Carpenter’s mate (actually Hened Dunrend, a King’s Runner); “Sails” and “Cook” (Adun-Cook), most known by their job-titles
  • Inda’s Fellow Shiprats (later mids): Dasta, Faura, Jeje sa Jeje “(Jeje”), Taumad Daraen (“Tau”), Testhy, Zimd

Freedom Ilsand Denizens

  • Commander Dhalshev, formerly Admiral of Khanerenth Navy, now harbor master of independents in Freeport Harbor
  • “Woof” Woltjen, his assistant
  • Scubal, a sodden former pirate
  • Lorenda, proprietor of a cordage shop
  • Denizens of the Lark Ascendant pleasure house: Mistress Lind, proprietor, Tivonais, Lissan, Ziri, Nanog

Kodl’s Marines (only ones named)

  • Inda, Scalis, Niz, Tau, Jeje, Zimd, Yan, Testhy, Dasta, Thog Daughter of Pirog, Wumma, Nugget, Rig, Hav, Viac and Loos “Fisher”, Uslar, Mutt, Dun

Miscellaneous Characteres

  • Captain Dirbin, out of Mardgar, trader
  • Captain Gannis of the Royal Oak, a privateer
  • Captain Lum of the Damnation, a pirate
  • Captain Ramis the One-eyed, of the Knife
  • Dallo, spy for Olaran Resistance and part-owner of wine shop
  • Dyalen, a pleasure house girl (House of Roses) in Iasca Leror’s royal city’s Heat Street
  • Ganan Marshig, Leader of the Brotherhood of Blood pirate federation
  • Liet, Tenthen castle girl
  • Lieutenant Tigga, Venn ship Reed-Skimmer; Captain Vaki, marine captain same ship
  • Mardric, head of Olaran Resistance
  • Mdan, a popular pleasure house girl in Iasca Leror’s royal city’s Heat Street
  • Mistress Resvaes, from the Mage Council of Sartor
  • Rainbird, a first timer expert at Golden Butterfly
  • Saris Eland AKA Sarias Daraen, owner of the Golden Butterfly pleasure house in Parayid Harbor, and mother to Taumad
  • Vrad, Tenthen castle boy