Characters and Ships in KING’S SHIELD

Inda’s Ships and Crew

  • Death, trysail (once Spear under Boruin), captain Fox Montre-Davan-An, Cook Lorm, Crew: Mutt, Pilvig, Jug, Fibi the Delf
  • Cocodu, raffee,(once Coco under Gaffer Walic), captain Dasta
  • Sable, schooner, captain Eflis, Sparrow first mate
  • Rapier, raffee, Gillor captain
  • Wind’s Kiss, trysail, Tcholan captain
  • Rippler, schooner, sometimes captained by Mutt or the youngsters as practice
  • Skimit, schooner, sometimes captained by Fibi the Delf
  • Vixen, scout cutter, master, Jeje sa Jeje, crewed usually by Fisher Brothers Loos and Viac, second mate Nugget
  • Blue Star out of Sarendan, Captain Fangras
  • Swift, captain Swift, (fleet, Silverdog and Moon) — was part of Brotherhood battle, rejoins Fox at Pirate Island

Pirate Ships

  • Sea-King, Halliff captain [deceased]
  • Coco, Gaffer Walic captain, first mate Varodif, second mate Gutless [deceased, ship taken by Inda, renamed Cocodu]
  • Bloodfire, Ganan Marshig captain (also commander of the Brotherhood of Blood) [taken beyond rift into Norsunder]
  • Spear, captain Boruin Death-Hand, first mate Majarian [deceased, ship taken by Inda, renamed Death]
  • Brass Dancer, captain Dal Raskan [deceased]
  • Widowmaker, captain Emis Chaul [deceased, defeated by Ramis of the Knife]
  • Princess, raffee, captain Scarf nephew Falthum [Gillor new captain, renamed Rapier]
  • Wind’s Kiss, trysail, [pirate ship taken off Toar, Tcholan new captain]
  • Knife, three-masted, square-sailed longship, Venn-built, formerly owned by Venn, taken by Captain Ramis


Algara-Vayir Family

  • Jarend, prince (Adaluin)
  • Fareas Fera-Vayir, princess (Iofre)
  • Tanrid, heir (Laef), killed by secret order, 3910
  • Joret Dei, betrothed to Tanrid, then to Inda, married Valdon na Shagal of Anaeran-Adrani
  • Hadand, betrothed to Sierlaef, married Evred and became queen after Hesea Conspiracy
  • Indevan (“Inda”), future Randael, then future Laef, exiled
  • Branid, son of former Randviar Marend, two generations previous

Arveas Family

  • Kendred (“Dewlap”), former Cavalry Captain, now Jarl of Olara, based at Castle Andahi
  • Liet Tlen, Jarlan
  • Tlennen “Flash”), Randael to his father on new appointment as Jarl of Olara, serving as chief galloper—aide and messenger—to Evred while he’s in command in the north)
  • Ndand, daughter of a guardswoman, so ‘of Tlen’ or just Arveas, wife of Flash
  • Kethadrend, “Keth” small brother to Flash; his betrothed, Gdir Tlen

Children of Castle Andahi

  • Keth, nine-year-old son of Jarl
  • Gdir, daughter of Captain of Riders and the next armsmistress, 10, brother Tlennen, betrothed to Kethadrend (Keth) Arveas
  • Lnand, daughter of castle baker
  • Radran, 14, cook apprentice (cousin to Lnand)
  • Rosebud and Young Tana (Tanrid) three and six
  • Dvar, nine-years-old
  • “Freckles” (Hadand), nine-years-old
  • Billykid (Evred) eight-years-old
  • Haldred Mondavar, brother at academy “Moon” (Camrid)

Cassad Family

  • Senrid, Jarl
  • Ivandred, shield arm (Randael)
  • Ndara, second cousin to Jarl, married to Harskialdna
  • Tanrid, heir (Laef), “Cassad Ain”
  • Carleas darga, betrothed—later wife—to Tanrid, the heir
  • Jarend (“Rattooth”, or more commonly “Rat”), future Randael)
  • Kialen, future Harandviar to Evred-Laef Montrei-Vayir, died in the Hesea Springs Conspiracy
  • Mran, grand-daughter of Ivandred Cassad, brother to Jarl, married to Landred Marlo-Vayir

Jaya-Vayir Family

  • Camarend (“Horseshoe”), Jarl
  • Manther, heir (Laef), died at Ghael Hills battle 3907
  • Marend, betrothed to Savarend Montredavan-An
  • Ivandred (“Vanda”), new heir
  • Retren, cousin to Vanda, now to be his Randael)

Khani-Vayir Family

  • Nadran, Jarl (no offspring)
  • Nadran “Noddy Turtle” Toraca, Randael to his cousin Radran after death of his father against pirates. Son, Indevan, appointed heir to Khani-Vayir by Nadran, confirmed by king
  • Branid “Nightingale” Toraca

Marth-Davan Family

  • Tdor, betrothed to Inda Algara-Vayir
  • Ramond, cousin to Tdor, was future Jarl, died at coast
  • Ander (Mouse), cousin to Tdor, new Jarl

Montredavan-An Family

  • Savarend (Jarl)
  • Lineas Sindan-An (Jarlan: cousin to Tlennen Montrei-Vayir)
  • Savarend (“Fox”), heir, Inda’s second in command of Fox Banner fleet, also captain of Death
  • Shendan (“Shen”), Fox’s sister, forbidden to marry into Marlovan Jarl family

Montrei-Vayir family

  • Tlennen, former king, Evred’s father, died by assassination
  • Anderle, former Harskialdna, or Marlovan Shield Arm during wartime, died by assassination during Hesea Springs Conspiracy
  • Ndara Cassad, former Harandviar, in charge of queen’s training and royal guardswomen, died murdered by her spouse just before he was assassinated
  • Tdiran, former king’s sister, died in riding accident (married to Jarl of Yvana-Vayir)
  • Wisthia Shagal, queen (Sarias), from Anaeran-Adrani, retired to Adrani homeland on death of husband Tlennen
  • Aldren (“The Sierlaef”), royal heir (Sierlaef), died by assassination
  • Evred, (“Sponge”), intended at birth as future Shield Arm (Varlaef) but became king on father’s and brother’s assassination
  • Barend, son of Anderle and Ndara, cousin to Aldren and Evred—interim Harskialdna, also shipmaster for Fox Banner Fleet at sea

Marlo-Vayir Family

  • Aldren “Buck”, new Jarl
  • Landred (“Cherry-Stripe”), new Randael
  • Fnor, wife to Buck Marlo-Vayir
  • Mran, wife to Cherry-Stripe Marlo-Vayir
  • Camrid (“Scrapper”), former Randael to Hasta, Buck and Cherry-Stripe’s uncle
  • Hastred (“Hasta”), former Jarl of Marlo-Vayir

Noth Family

  • Dauvid (“Horsepiss”), King’s Dragoon Captain, later interim Randael to Algara-Vayirs, then in command of defense of Fera-Vayir Harbor
  • Senrid (“Whipstick”), future dragoon captain, promoted, Randael to Algara-Vayirs
  • Kendred (“Dogpiss”), included in first Tvei class, died in academy accident summer 3905
  • Flatfoot and Goatkick Noth, sons of Horsepiss’s brother (one of the King’s Riders, currently on the Montredavan-An border patrol; sons not sent to academy). Flatfoot personal runner to Whipstick, Goatkick runner-in-training for King’s Runners

Tya-Vayir Family

  • Stalgrid (“Horsebutt”), Jarl
  • Imand Sindan-An, Stalgrid’s wife
  • Dannor (“Mudface”), married to Aldren “Hawkeye” Yvana-Vayir
  • Camarend (“Cama”), shield arm: Randael, later Jarl of Idayago, his wife Starand “Honeytongue” Ola-Vayir
  • Hibern, Imand’s mate and First Runner

Yvana-Vayir Family

  • Anderle (“Hawkeye”), Jarl after father executed for regicide
  • Tdiran Montrei-Vayir, wife of Jarl, sister to the king, died in riding accident
  • Dannor “Mudface” Tya-Vayir, wife to Hawkeye
  • Camrid (“Mad Gallop”), Jarl who led an attempted coup of Hesea Springs Conspiracy, executed 3912
  • Tlennen and Haldred “Badger and Beaver”, twins, future Randaels to Hawkeye
  • Fala, potter, life mate to Hawkeye

Chief Runners

  • Jened Sindan Captain of Tlennen-Harvaldar’s Runners, and his life mate, died defending Evred at Ala Larkadhe
  • Vedrid Basna, First Runner to Evred-Harvaldar (use first name, as Runners full of Basnas)
  • Branid “Nightingale” Toraca, chief personal runner to Evred
  • Camarend Kened, one of Evred’s Runners
  • Tesar, chief personal runner to Hadand-Gunvaer
  • Hatha, one of the King’s Runners perforce made into a healer for lack of same
  • Fiam, once Inda’s intended runner, became Tenthen Castle’s steward-in-training
  • Chelis, youngest of Fareas-Iofre’s personal runners
  • Noren, Tdor’s personal runner
  • “Flatfoot” Noth, Whipstick Noth’s personal runner (his cousin)
  • Hened Dunrend “Dun the Carpenter,” a King’s Runner, related to Captain Sindan, Inda’s bodyguard aboard the Pim ships, unknown as a Marlovan to Inda until after Dun’s death


  • Tdiran Vranid, Randviar (defending woman commander) at Ala-Larkadhe. (Related to the Vranids of Choraed Elgaer.)

Denizens of The Knob, Harbor at Tip of Olaran Peninsula

  • Harbormaster Sholf
  • Nangel, chief scribe to Sholf
  • Rend Dalloran (“Dallo”), innkeeper, part of Resistance

Denizens of Freedom Islands

  • Commander Dhalshev, formerly Admiral of Khanerenth Navy, now harbor master of independents in Freeport Harbor
  • Woof Woltjen, his assistant
  • Nugget Woltjen, Woof’s sister, crews on Inda’s ships
  • Lark Ascendant pleasure house: Mistress Lind, proprietor


  • Martan Shagal, king of Anaeran-Adrani
  • Nalais, queen of Anaeran-Adrani
  • Valdon Shagal, crown prince, married to Joret Dei (formerly betrothed to Tanrid Algara-Vayir)


  • Rajnir, Prince of the Venn
  • Erkric, Abyarn: Dag, Rajnir’s principle mage
  • Durasnir, Fulla (Hyarl): Oneli Commander (“Stalna”) of the Venn Fleet of the South (Prince’s Fleet)
  • Vatta Durasnir, son of Fulla Durasnir, died at sixteen in Rajnir’s sea battle against Chwahir
  • Brun, Halvir: Durasnir’s wife and son
  • Gairad: Battlegroup Captain directly under Durasnir
  • Talkar: Hilda Commander (“Stalna”) of the South, Rajnir’s army commander
  • Hrad, Battle Chief in charge of the southern portion of the Venn invasion, replaced by Vringir
  • Valda, Brit: Chief Sea Dag
  • Ulaffa, Fulk: Yaga Krona Chief (head of prince’s mage protectors)
  • Jazsha Signi Sofar, Sea Dag, former hel-dancer trainee
  • Other dags (mages): Mekki (on Pass)
  • Skir: Armor Chief , army chief detached to guard duty in Bela Lana
  • Byoren Henga, Drenga captain (sea-marines, under orders of Hilda once on shore), at Arveas Castle
  • Oneli Coast Scouts Greba and Walfga (part of Erkric’s ruse during putative parley at Ala Larkadhe)

Miscellaneous Characters

  • Skandar Mardric, head of Resistance, once Idayagan scribe
  • Estral Mardric, sister to Skandar Mardric, poet, spy
  • Bristan Mardric, brother to Skandar and Estral, co-opted by brother as spy and assassin (once tried to kill Evred, and was let go, the winter Inda fought the Brotherhood)
  • Zek the ropemaker, Lindeth Harbor, one of Mardric’s Resistance
  • Retham the ironmonger, Lindeth Harbor, one of Mardric’s Resistance
  • Ymarans: Lord Annold Limros, Count of Wafri, who captured Inda and tortured him to try to force him to fight the Venn
  • Captain Ramis the One-eyed, of the Knife
  • Mistress Resvaes, from the Mage Council of Sartor
  • Saris Eland, aka Sarias Daraen, owner of the Golden Butterfly pleasure house in Parayid Harbor, vanished during pirate raid. Tau’s mother.
  • Lael Lirendi, new king of Colend
  • Danden Sharl (“The Brainsmasher”) held Pirate Island before Ramis freed it